
Office phone:
(217) 333-2307
Office fax:
(217) 333-2766
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D., Rehabilitation, Florida State University, 1987
Research and Professional Interests
Dr. Alston’s primary research interests include disparities in outcomes across racial groups in state/federal rehabilitation services and psychosocial adjustment to chronic illness and disability for African Americans.
See curriculum vitae for information about awards, academic and professional honors, publications, and professional associations and certifications.
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Office phone:
(217) 244-3936
Office fax:
(217) 333-2766
Curriculum Vitae
Research Lab:
Work and Disability Research Group
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, Rehabilitation Psychology, 1995
Research and Professional Interests
Professor Strauser's teaching and research interests include the assessment of individuals with disabilities and psychological factors that impact the career development and vocational behavior of individuals with mild mental retardation and psychiatric disabilities. His research looks at their work personality and self-efficacy as it relates to the development of effective work related behaviors. He is also interested in the impact of trauma symptoms on career development and the impact of the working alliance on rehabilitation outcomes, psychological well-being and career development.
See curriculum vitae for information about awards, academic and professional honors, publications, and professional associations and certifications.

Office phone:
(217) 244-6435
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D. Rehabilitation Counseling Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2009
Research and Professional Interests
A Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Professor Chiu’s research investigates issues related to the health and quality of life of people with chronic illnesses and disabilities. Much of her work focuses on people with multiple sclerosis and cancer survivors. Within the population of multiple sclerosis, she has examined the mediating effects of exercise, diet, and stress management on functional disability and health-related quality of life; dietary and physical activity self-management; and the effectiveness of the Health Action Process Approach as a health promotion model.
Please see curriculum vitae for information about awards, academic and professional honors, publications, and professional associations and certifications.
If you want to see this profile as a separate page, click here.

Office phone:
(217) 333-4650
Office fax:
(217) 333-2766
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D., Rehabilitation Science and Technology, University of Pittsburgh, 2010
Research and Professional Interests
Professor Rice’s research interest is in the area of disability and health. She is specifically interested in the prevention of secondary impairments associated with disability to maximize quality of life and community participation among wheelchair users. A related interest is in examining education techniques to enhance functional mobility, prevent development of secondary impairments and effectively utalize assistive technology to promote health and well-being among individuals with disabilities.
See curriculum vitae for information about awards, academic and professional honors, publications, and professional associations and certifications.

Office phone:
(217) 333-1807
Office fax:
(217) 333-2766
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D., Rehabilitation Science and Technology, University of Pittsburgh, 2010 MS., OT, Washington University Program in Occupational Therapy, 2002
Research and Professional Interests
Professor Rice's areas of interest are in Rehabilitation Science, Occupational Therapy, Biomechanics and Assistive Technology. Dr Rice's research interests are based in the rehabilitation sciences, specifically in the study of interventional and assistive and adaptive technologies that help to promote healthy lifestyle, full life participation and quality of life. Much of Dr Rice's work has been focused on studying wheelchair propulsion biomechanics and technique training to minimize the development of upper limb pain and injury across a life span.